Or visit our office: 718 N Cable Rd, Lima, OH. 45805
We want to work with our clients to ensure that they pay their FAIR share of income taxes not their FULL share. Effective tax planning is the only way to ENSURE that your individual and business tax returns reflect your LOWEST legal liabilities. Let US develop a tax reduction plan for YOU.
We want to help our clients achieve their short, intermediate, and long-term financial goals. Our experience and financial expertise will help individuals save for future education costs and retirement needs. We also assist, when appropriate, with effective succession planning.
We want to ensure that our clients have accurate and reliable financial records. We prepare sales tax returns, commercial activity tax returns, payroll reports, individual, partnership, corporate, and estate tax returns as well as offering a full payroll preparation service.
Effective tax planning is just as important as competent tax-return preparation!
Since 1993, Siferd Professional Services, Inc., has been helping individuals and businesses achieve their goals by showing them how to reduce their income-tax burden.
We have extensive experience helping Medical Practitioners, Real Estate Investors, those in the Agricultural, Construction and Transportation Industries and more with tax planning, tax preparation, tax problem resolution, financial statement preparation, payroll and payroll tax issues and new business setup.
Call our office or stop in today for all your tax needs!
718 N Cable Rd, Lima, OH. 45805
(419) 229-2507
Copyright @2017 Siferd Professional Services. All Rights Reserved